「生物電聲:結合生理感測的音樂表達介面」是聲化感官實驗室嘗試結合近期關注的聽覺多樣性(aural diversity)、聲音化(sonification)與資料轉譯的實驗項目,探索生理感測技術在音樂表達中的應用,開發將生物訊號(如肌電、呼吸與脈搏)轉化為音樂語言的原型介面。觀眾可透過這些互動裝置,將生理感測數據轉化為聲音,從而揭示隱藏於身體韻律中的模式與特質。
“Body Electric: Prototypes for Musical Expression with Physiological Sensing” explores physiological sensing for musical expression by developing prototypes that transform biological signals—such as electromyography, respiration, and pulse—into musical languages. Participants can use these prototypes to participate in the sonification process, which reveals patterns and qualities intrinsic to our internal rhythms and prompts reflection on how we interpret and express bio-states.
Interpreting biofeedback is not a static conclusion but an evolving process shaped by choices and perspectives. Employing music as a medium for data translation offers a dynamic framework for perception. It intertwines biological measurements with personal understanding and bridges the gap between abstract data and embodied experience.
“Body Electric” is an experimental platform that embraces inclusivity. It facilitates alternative musical expression across various physical conditions. The project responds to the dominance of data-driven health narratives by encouraging a reevaluation of self-awareness and subjective experience while exploring the role of music in caregiving and everyday life.

📍 地點|聲化感官實驗室 Sonic Sensory Lab
📅 日期|2025.2.14 (五) – 2025.3.2 (日)
⏱️ 時間|週四 到 週日 13:00-19:00