Agua Notes


《海音集 Agua Notes》是一件融合海洋聲響、器樂及金山居民訪談的多組件聲音裝置。作品透過編排與混合抽象與具象的聲音元素,展現出一種寧静而悠緩的氛圍,讓聽者得以探索與體驗海洋生活的多重面向。此作品由多個紙雕裝置所構成,其設計靈感源於海蝕洞質感。在此私密的聆聽空間中,深海錄音讓人聯想到海洋的寬廣與深邃,物件材質聲響引起我們對人為活動對海洋影響的反思。對漁獲採集的討論則帶我們進入魚市場與港口的活動現場。個人與傳說的故事則形成尺度對比,鼓勵我們從更多元的視角來思考與海洋的關係。

Project Description

“Agua Notes” is a sound installation that combines oceanic sounds, instrumental music, and interviews with Jinshan residents to create a tranquil and reflective experience. The installation blends abstract and concrete sound elements, inviting listeners to explore the various aspects of life by the sea. The exhibit includes several papercraft installations inspired by the textures of sea erosion caves, which provide a private listening space. Deep-sea recordings create an immersive experience that conveys the vastness and depth of the ocean—the sounds of artifacts prompt reflection on human impact on the marine environment. Interviews transport listeners to the bustling scenes of fish markets and harbors. Personal and mythical stories offer a contrast in scale, encouraging a diverse perspective on our relationship with the ocean.

“Who is in the sea” exhibition poster

《是誰在海裡啊 Who is in the sea》朱銘美術館兒童藝術中心特展

  • Date:2023/07/29 ~ 2024/02/25
  • Artist:Po-Hao Chi 紀柏豪、VVVstudio


