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Zone Sound Creative X The Place Tainan – Echo!!! -The Fantastical Sound of Luggage
Exhibitor: Zone Sound Creative
“Echo!!! – The Fantastical Sound of Luggage” is an interactive exhibition that combines auditory and visual senses, allowing the audience to experience the collective memory of travel across generations in a game-like approach.
Every time we travel, there are always some special sounds left in our minds. Airport announcements, the sound of revving trains, beach waves, luggage rollers…all these sounds, may they be loud or soft, linger for long in our ears, reminding us of that place, that moment, and making our travel experience richer and more meaningful. As a traveler between destinations, we take our luggage and embark on a journey into the unknown. By touching the images, we trigger the sound and projection effects in our memories. Whether you are an intrepid adventurer or long for some peace and quiet, you can find your soul here and feel the infinite space of imagination created by a wordless song.

日期|2023. 06. 03 – 2024. 05. 19
地點|台南老爺行旅 (The Place Tainan)