Plastic Soup-Invisible Matters


《2021 塑膠湯-環境資訊轉譯創研計畫》展覽資訊

・日期|2021.12.14 – 2022.01.09
・地點|寶藏巖國際藝術村 邊境71號


「氣候變遷」的龐大感令人無從下手,只能在焦慮與無助中搖擺不定—一種唐納·哈洛維(Donna Haraway)稱作「優柔寡斷的躁動(indecisive agitation)」。有鑑於氣候變化和當前疫情帶來的挑戰,融聲創意攜手墨西哥跨域實驗室dériveLAB與創意空間BEMA展開國際合作,邀請長期關注藝術與科技的台灣和拉美藝術家,由自身創作出發,回應「環境感知」的主題。

「天氣」是維持生活的自然現象一環,為人類生存提供必要環境。「氣候變遷」的規模是如此巨大,以至於人們只能在焦慮與無助中搖擺不定—一種唐納·哈洛維(Donna Haraway)稱作「優柔寡斷的躁動(indecisive agitation)」。因此,我們希望將氣象學作為參與式藝術的工具來研究,在人類劇烈地改變環境樣態這一頑固事實面前,通過物質性人造物和抽象概念來促進對話。


藝術家歷經一年的交流,通過遠端協作方式,讓分散於不同城市的創作者們共同執行,於過程中以模組化元件來串連開源環境感測網絡,利用數位構築技術開發裝置原型,並於雙邊舉辦階段性的公眾活動—墨西哥dériveLAB發起PIP Ciudad Futuro計畫,在城市中搭建具未來性的巨大環境監測結構;因地制宜的台灣裝置設計,則是一系列可於城市中移動的設備,仰賴作為操作者的觀眾以身體介入來反映周遭環境擾動,感測生活中可見/不可見的層次,,以此模糊觀眾與創作者的界線,描繪出兩者協作的輪廓。



‘Plastic Soup- Invisible Matters’ is a research-based project organized by Zone Sound Creative in partnership with multidisciplinary laboratory dériveLAB and culture space BEMA from Mexico. This international collaboration brought together artists from Taiwan and Latin America with backgrounds exploring the connections between art and technology. These artists were invited to respond to the concept of “Environmental Sensory” through their art practices, considering the entanglement of human and nonhuman elements in the environment.

Weather is an integral part of the atmospheric envelope that sustains our lives by providing the necessary conditions for survival. However, the magnitude of “climate change” is so overwhelming that it evokes feelings of anxiety and helplessness, which Donna Haraway describes as “indecisive agitation.” In light of this obstinate fact, we propose examining meteorology as an instrument for participatory art that can produce a dialogue through material artifacts and concepts.

We view weather as an artist’s medium that connects us to the world and each other through the air, water, and sunlight that convey sensations to our human and machine receptors. Participating artists will translate meteorological data and embodied sensory experiences into transmedia narratives to reposition and understand the relationship between humans, nonhumans, and the environment in which we currently live.

After a year of exchange and remote collaboration, the artists utilized modular components to connect open-source environmental sensor networks and developed installation prototypes using digital fabrication technology. Public events were held in Taiwan and Latin America to showcase the project, inviting the audience to engage with the more-than-human aesthetic of the installations. In Mexico, dériveLAB launched the ⊛ PIP Ciudad Futuro project, building a futuristic environmental monitoring structure in the city. In Taiwan, the devices were designed to adapt to local conditions, offering a series of devices that could be moved around the city.

The project invites audience participation as an operator to reflect disturbances in the surrounding environment, allowing them to sense the visible and invisible layers of daily life and blur the boundary between the audience and artists. The general theme of the project is civic science and art. It includes a series of lectures and online features to promote interdisciplinary and cultural discussions between Taiwanese and Latin American artists. The project findings were presented at online artist talks and workshops in November 2021. The exhibition was on view from December 4th to January 9th, 2022, at Frontier Gallery No. 71, Treasure Hill Artists Village (Taiwan). ‘Plastic Soup’ aims to widen the dialogue and understanding between different fields and promote a deeper understanding of the environment and its impacts on our lives.

Wrokshop Promo Video 環境感測器 𝐄𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫

台灣 x 拉丁美洲藝術家座談 Online Artists Talk


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