Soundmap Workshops


這系列工作坊與相信世代發展協會(Believe in Next Generation Association)合作,該協會致力於推動社區營造與教育創新,透過「University Cafe」這個友善空間,連結更多青年與在地居民,促進多元交流與社群成長。


在第一場工作坊中,參與者相聚於 University Cafe,先彼此分享對老台北眷村的記憶與印象,交換各自對社區生活的感受與故事脈絡。隨後,我們帶領大家實地走訪松山機場附近的老台北眷村,使用專業麥克風錄製環境聲響,並在行走途中發掘人事物的歷史脈絡。回到室內後,志工們以插畫的形式,繪製出覺得值得記錄的人、事、物,將歷史與生活印記轉化為圖像。






在活動結束後,我們彙整兩場工作坊收集到的聲音素材與手繪插畫,運用 Touchboard 聲音互動裝置,完成了一幅結合人文與生態的社區聲音地圖。由於都市發展節奏日益加快,環境面貌也在不斷改變,這張地圖忠實記錄了此刻社區的獨特風貌與記憶,讓人們能珍藏並回味即將消逝的風景,也重新思考身處環境的價值與意義。

展示於 University Cafe 的成品(另有副本展示於里辦公室)

Step into the old military village near Taipei Songshan Airport, we created a map that reveals the distinctive sonic identity of every community corner through workshops with the Believe in Next Generation Association, an organization dedicated to community development and educational innovation. Young people engage with residents at their welcoming venue, University Cafe, promoting various exchanges and community development.

Workshop#1 Military Village Field Trip and Community Memory Sharing

Participants gathered at the University Cafe during the first workshop to share their memories and impressions of the old Taipei military village. They exchanged personal experiences and discussed the community’s historical background. We then led them on a field trip near Songshan Airport, where they used professional microphones to record environmental sounds and uncover local stories. After returning, volunteers illustrated the people, events, and objects they deemed significant, transforming historical and everyday impressions into visual art.

Workshop#2 Exploring Natural Soundscapes

The second workshop focused on the community’s natural environment. Led by an environmental educator, volunteers conducted a field survey, observing often-overlooked plants and animals. By capturing sounds, they gained insight into different species’ behaviors and ecological narratives, blending these observations with cultural elements. They fused nature’s beauty with local heritage through on-site recordings and sketches, adding depth to their creative process.

A Community Sound Map Preserving Memories

After both workshops, we compiled the recorded sounds and hand-drawn illustrations into a community sound map, enhanced by the Touchboard interactive sound device. With rapid urban development continually reshaping the environment, this map serves as a time capsule of the community’s unique character and memories, inviting people to appreciate what may soon fade and prompting them to reflect on the value of their surroundings.

日期 Dates|March 23、April 28, 2024
地點 Locations|相信世代 University Cafe 及民福里周遭

  • 主辦單位|融聲創意
  • 協辦單位|相信世代發展協會
  • 贊助單位|文化部、台北市文化局

