・日期|2023.01.14 – 2023.02.12
「太空探索(Space Exploration)」曾是一種昂貴、排他和狹隘的嚴肅追求,伴隨著地緣政治對抗與冷戰。從蘇聯於1957年發射史波尼克1號(Sputnik I)開始,到1972年美國阿波羅17號(Apollo 17)成功登月,人類踏足太空的第一階段才暫告一段落。隨後,無數人造物被發送到外太空,如火箭、人造衛星、載人/生物載具、太空站、望遠鏡、洲際飛彈…等等,滿足不同科研、軍事及商業需求,其中也不乏與藝術相關之物件,例如廣為人知的航海家金唱片(Voyager Golden Records)。此裝置提案參考原型為隸屬於美國航空暨太空總署(NASA)的獵戶座太空船(Orion),其用途為執行載人太空飛行任務。圓錐形部分是載人艙,返回地球時能利用降落傘濺落水中。
Throughout the ages, the vast starry sky has always been a poetic, familiar, and mysterious existence for humans who can only live on the surface. “Splashdown!” symbolizes the collective will of mankind to pursue the truth of the universe with the return of a spacecraft. The installation’s design is based on NASA’s Orion capsule, which translates imperceptible messages through changes in light and shadow. It may bring back some kind of answer, or more unanswered questions, waiting for the next journey toward the distant shimmering eternity.
《LUCA》,是Last Universal Common Ancestor的縮寫,為演化生物學所推導出的假設,指生物最原始的共同祖先,也是地球上所有現存生命的共同起源(但未必是最早的生命)。學者一般相信,最後共同祖先在古太古代出現,距今約35億至38億年。最後共同祖先分化出細菌與古菌,演化成各種生命。
隨著科技進步,人類所能探測到的「光譜邊界」也不斷拓展。宇宙深處的具體形象,僅管我們竭盡所能去觀測,仍需仰賴想像力來再現科學數據。近年因科技進步,如韋伯太空望遠鏡(James Webb Space Telescope)等大型太空任務,以紅外光觀測與特殊成像方式展示了宇宙中鮮為人知的另一面貌。新的觀測手段往往再現了我們為曾知曉的宇宙可能面貌,也許未來總有一天我們將會觀測到與我們同源祖先的生命存在。此球體裝置的表面紋路及成色,參考韋伯太空望遠鏡最新木星紅外線攝影成像。
LUCA is an acronym for “Last Universal Common Ancestor,” which refers to the common origin of existing life on Earth. The planetary installation draws on observational imagery of the Webb Space Telescope. It sketches an alternative space future that coexists with other species through an AI-generated, evolving planet and a microbe inhabiting it in response to the vastness of the universe. When space exploration is no longer a fantasy, human observation’s “spectral boundaries” will continue to expand as technology advances. We may one day meet with space life of the shared origin somewhere in the universe.