《Bangkok Design Week 2023|Voyage of Hybridity》展覽資訊
・日期|2023.02.04 – 02.12
・地點|FabCafe Bangkok (Central Post Office, 1160 Charoen Krung Road, Bang Rak, Bangkok)
《混種物的旅程》是一件互動 AR 裝置,將太空探索這一看似遙遠的主題,與日常生活中的尋常物件及人造產品相連。作品靈感來自於1977年由 NASA 送入太空的「航海家金唱片」,內容為一組代表地球和人類的聲音和圖像資料。
這件 AR 裝置允許觀眾通過觸碰按鈕,具象化以手機3D掃描的日常物件,使它們浮現在空中漂浮並於碰撞時產生聲音,提醒我們在繼續探索和使用太空時的責任,以提高人們對太空垃圾及人類行為如何影響環境的覺察。這創造了一種獨特而動態的聲音體驗,身臨其境於人造物中以凸顯人物糾纏關係,鼓勵人們在太空探索不再是一種幻想時進行反思。

Voyage of Hybridity is an interactive AR installation that intertwines the distant theme of space exploration with familiar everyday objects and manufactured items. Drawing inspiration from NASA’s 1977 Voyager Golden Record—a collection of sounds and images representing Earth and humanity sent into space—the work reimagines how we communicate our existence beyond our planet.
Through this installation, audiences can interact with engraved symbols that trigger the appearance of 3D-scanned everyday objects, causing them to float and collide in mid-air, producing sounds upon impact. This sensory interaction serves as a metaphor for the growing presence of space debris and prompts reflection on humanity’s expanding footprint in space. It underscores the responsibility we bear as our exploration of space becomes a tangible reality rather than a distant fantasy.
By blending the familiar with the speculative, Voyage of Hybridity creates a dynamic and immersive soundscape that highlights the entangled relationship between humans and artificial objects. The experience invites viewers to consider how human activity extends into outer space and challenges them to rethink the environmental consequences of technological advancement.
主辦單位 Organizer:Loftwork
藝術家 Artist :紀柏豪 Po-Hao Chi
視覺設計 Visual Design:吳曉筑 Amo Wu