展覽簡介 Exhibition Introduction
“Resonance of Moisture” derives from the artist’s experiences in Xizhi, brought to life through close collaboration with local communities, visiting various water bodies and management facilities to trace the essence of water. Xizhi, formerly known as “Tsui-Tng-Ka,” is named after the tidal reversal of the Keelung River. The exhibition, grounded in the hydrological environment and history of Xizhi, explores how people manage the water around them—river, rain, or moisture—and how such interactions are intricately reflected in daily life.
Is there a sensory connection between routinely minor water-related mishaps and catastrophic large-scale flooding in urban settings? Through crowd participation, field research, and environmental sensing, the artist has assembled numerous water-related elements to explore further how everyday appliances—such as dehumidifiers and humidifiers—and smart home devices mediate and augment our sensory experiences. Stemming from people’s reliance on and concerns about water, the exhibition crafts an embodied spatial experience depicting the cyclical journey of water.
開幕座談|12/30 (六) 14:00 ft.《溯源計畫》共同策劃 施雅恬 、新北市長安國小陶藝/STEAM教師 施茂智
想像灘音 Imagined Tan-Yin
完全透過電腦演算生成,不依賴於實際錄音。這類水聲透過程式,例如波形疊加與訊號調變,來模擬記憶中潮濕的感覺。 |
基於實際環境中錄製的水聲樣本通過如顆粒合成等技術被重新構造。這種方法將原始錄音分解成微小的音頻片段再重新組合,從而保留了原始錄音的自然特質。 |
涵蓋了水上、水下以及透過不同錄音設備(包括電磁波錄音)所捕捉到的聲響。不僅包含了水的聲音,還有周圍環境中的其他聲音元素,展現了水聲與生活環境間的緊密聯繫。 |
展覽資訊 Exhibition Info