本次展覽由策展人 賈梨,邀請六位藝術家:賈梨、陳瑜璟、李莉姝、江守恩、Hisako Nakaoka、Hayato Itakura,於 聲化感官實驗室 共同展出。
- Lilac Red 劇場表演者,較令人熟悉的名字為賈梨。創作方式含蓋行為、錄像、聲音、攝影、繪畫、詩的單一與綜合。重心始於身體感官與內在世界的經驗與擴張,進而去探討意識的轉換、個人與他者邊界的模糊/鞏固、時序與時刻。 主要作品有:現場聲響與詩集《鼻涕、鼻屎、眼淚》、錄像《oh, le flâneur》、聲響《le sol lunaire》、參與劇場創作及演出有:2022臺北藝術節:Xavier Le Roy《Temporary Title, 2015 (Taipei 2023)》、2022臺北藝術節:鬼丘鬼鏟《不知邊際、不知所謂事件》等。
Theatre performer, more commonly known by the name Jorly. Her artistic approach encompasses a range of mediums, including video, sound, photography, painting, and poetry, both individually and in combination. The focus begins with the sensory and internal experiences of the body, expanding to explore the transformation of consciousness, the blurring/solidifying of boundaries between the self and others, and the notions of time and moments.
- 陳瑜璟 Yuchin Chen 出生於高雄,台灣。創作源於自我與世界之間的和諧/不和諧、連結/游離的感受。通過對身體感官及將空間融入創作過程的興趣與實踐 ,進一步討論自我如何體驗和接收時間與空間,以及它們如何塑造我們的身體存在感和具體化,或反之亦然。
Yuchin Chen was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. She draws inspiration from senses of harmony/disharmony and association/disassociation between the self and the world. Through her interest in and practice of bodily perception and integration of space into the creative process, she further draws attention to how the self experiences and perceive time and space, and how they shape our sense of physical presence and embodiment, or vice versa.
- 李莉姝 Lishu Lee 目前為北藝大藝術跨域所研究生,以Sentimental Lily 為名進行實驗噪音演出,試圖以聲音作為探索框架與邊界的媒介,曾參演 Outer Pulsation、THE THIRD OTHER,並在聽說於 2023 年台北雙年展 Music Room 所舉辦的開麥夜演出,評論文章《聲音裝置做為感知流動媒介》刊登於台灣美術學刊。 Lishu Lee is currently a graduate student in Transdisciplinary Arts at TNUA, performing under the name Sentimental Lily in experimental noise performances. Through sound, she seeks to explore the enframing and boundaries of this medium. She has participated in performances such as Outer Pulsation, THE THIRD OTHER, and the “Open Improv Night” organized by HEAR SAY during the Music Room event at the 2023 Taipei Biennial.
- 江守恩 Shou-En Chiang/Francis 亞洲男性而目前生活在美國並就讀攝影碩士在Parson School of design。他當過攝影師、電影攝影師、剪輯師。 2016年,他畢業於華岡藝術學院戲劇系。在當時他已經掌握了攝影的基礎知識,並有興趣成為街頭攝影師。他喜歡拍攝和觀察人們的行為和動作,這已成為他大部分創意作品的主題。存在主義和超現實主義啟發了他創作每件藝術作品。
He is a 25-year-old Asian male living in the United States. He is a film and digital photographer, cinematographer, and video editor. In 2016, he graduated with a theater major in arts high school. He mastered the basics of photography from an arts high school with a major in theater and an interest in becoming a street photographer. He enjoyed photographing and observing people’s actions and movements, which has become the subject of much of his creative work. The existentialism of theater and surrealism inspired him to create each piece of art.
- Hisako Nakaoka 中岡尚子是一位遊走於聲音與視覺之間的藝術家。她近期的作品探索了聲音與「他者性」之間的關係。她畢業於東京藝術大學,獲得音樂學士學位。目前她正在柏林藝術大學攻讀聲音研究與聲音藝術。
Hisako Nakaoka is an artist that dwells between the sonic and the visual. Her recent works explore the relationship between sound and otherness. She received her BA in Music from Tokyo University of the Arts. She currently studies at Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (MA), University of the Arts Berlin.
- Hayato Itakura 板倉勇人,舞台設計師/藝術家。 他對於面對記憶衰退和遺忘過程的態度感興趣。他從事自畫像的創作,以記錄自我,並將微小且不顯眼的個人歷史視覺化。他畢業於東京藝術大學建築系,目前在山口藝術媒體中心(YCAM)工作。
Hayato Itakura, scenographer/artist. He is interested in the attitude of taking on the process of memory decline and forgetting. He works on the self-portrait to record oneself, and visualizing small, insignificant personal histories. He graduated from the Department of Architecture at Tokyo University of the Arts and currently works at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM].