Maggie Coblentz《未定義食物體 (Unidentified Food Objects)》
插畫 27.94 x 43.18 公分(Illustration 27.94 x 43.18 cm)/尺寸依場地而定(Illustration 27.94 x 43.18 cm)/2019
《未定義食物體》重新思考了地球和外太空中過去、現在以及未來的飲食習慣。這不僅是一場對「太空食品」的全面挑戰,也開闢了一個新的研究領域,探討在未來星際生活中我們可能會吃什麼、怎麼吃。它不僅質疑了什麼是可能的,也探究了什麼是值得去做的。這本書收錄了Maggie Coblentz用科學和藝術創造的一些新想法,以及她經由公眾參與所獲得的建議和創意。
Unidentified Food Objects reimagines past, present, and future foodways on and off Earth. It pushes the boundaries of space food to inspire a new field of interplanetary gastronomy that questions both what is possible and what is desirable. This book includes a collection of speculative concepts developed by Maggie Coblentz and features selected public contributions curated by Coblentz.
Maggie Coblentz 是來自加拿大的研究員,她將藝術、科學和科技結合以創作故事。她的工作範疇從太空探索到星際美食涵蓋了許多領域。她的研究實踐包括在零重力研究飛行中進行實驗、參與國際太空站實驗,以及北極遠征。她是麻省理工學院(MIT)太空探索倡議的研究員,並共同創辦及指導位於挪威斯瓦爾巴群島的極圈研究站,致力於科學、藝術和技術探索的合作計畫,跨足多個學科,與科學家、工程師、藝術家、廚師和電影製片人合作。Coblentz擁有羅德島設計學院的工業設計碩士學位。她的作品曾在國際場合展出,包括奧地利林茨的阿斯電子藝術中心、美國劍橋的麻省理工學院媒體實驗室、2020年迪拜世博會、意大利威尼斯的Museo M9 Mestre,以及羅馬的MAXXI博物館。Coblentz的作品曾在《WIRED Japan》雜誌上亮相,並成為《WIRED》的封面故事。
Maggie Coblentz is Canadian researcher and artist who tells stories where art, science, and technology meet. Her work spans a wide spectrum, from space exploration to interplanetary gastronomy. Coblentz’s research practice has included flying on zero gravity research flights, an experiment in the International Space Station, and Arctic expeditions. Coblentz is a research affiliate at the MIT Space Exploration Initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She co-founded and directs an Arctic research station in Svalbard dedicated to collaborative projects in science, art, and technology exploration. Coblentz collaborates across multiple disciplines with scientists, engineers, artists, chefs, and filmmakers. Coblentz has a Master of Industrial Design from the Rhode Island School of Design. Her work has been exhibited internationally at Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria; MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, US; World Expo 2020 Dubai, Dubai, UAE; Museo M9 Mestre, Venice, Italy; and MAXXI, Rome, Italy. Coblentz’s work has been featured in WIRED Japan and the cover story of WIRED.
展出日期|2023.09.01 – 2023.09.06
展出地點|臺灣當代文化實驗廣場 C-LAB
STS年會《重置世界的尺度 (Rescaling the World)》
感知風的語言,環境共鳴的藝術探索——卡努 (Khanun)