This is the events overview for the public programs of the series “Convergence: Artistic Explorations from Nature to Society.” We have organized a total of 8 events, including 3 panel discussions, 3 artist talks, and 2 screenings. The events will take place over four weekends in June and July 2024. Each exhibition section features 2 related events. Please read the introduction of each event below and click on the link to enter the respective registration pages for each session.
6/8-6/9 宇宙共生週 The Weekend of Cosmic Symbiosis
為呼應【宇宙共生】子題,展覽邀請參展藝術家Maggie Coblentz發起線上圓桌論壇,討論極地的科學藝術實踐;以及現場放映太空中心委託製作的管弦樂曲「來自遙遠的訊息 」,並由作曲家趙菁文教授進行演前導聆。
Echoing the “Cosmic Symbiosis” theme, the exhibition invited participating artist Maggie Coblentz to organize an online panel discussion about the scientific and artistic practices in the polar regions. Next, there will be a live screening of the orchestral piece “Messages” commissioned by the Taiwan Space Agency, the composer Professor Ching-Wen Chao will also conduct a pre-performance lecture before the screening.
Panel Discussion: Art and Sciences Practices on Svalbard
時間 Date & Time|6/8 (Sat) 20:00-22:00 (GMT+8)
地點 Location|線上會議空間 Online Meeting Room
講者 Lecturers|Maggie Coblentz、Dr. Cody Paige、Patrick Chwalek、張文和 Jacek Chang 、岩性合作社 Lythologies
Screening: “Messages” concert selection + pre&post-performance discussion
時間 Date & Time|6/9 (Sun.) 15:00-16:30 (GMT+8)
地點 Location|科技大樓 1F 簡報室 Briefing Room, Technology Building 1F
講者 Lecturers|國家太空中心朱崇惠副主任 Vicky Chu 、作曲家趙菁文 Ching-Wen Chao
6/22-6/23 網絡編織週 The Weekend of Network Weaving
為呼應【網絡編織】子題,將由李紫彤與孫詠怡兩位藝術家帶來參展作品〈岔經濟〉的衍生論壇、以及印度藝術家Aarti Sunder則將在線上分享作品參展作品〈深海節點故事〉的創作脈絡。
Echos to the theme of “Network Weaving”, two participating artists, Tzu-Tung Lee and Winnie Soon, will bring a panel discussion extended from the exhibiting work “Forkonomy()”; the Indian artist Aarti Sunder will also share the creative context of the exhibiting work “Nodal Narratives of the Deep Sea” online.
Panel Discussion: Starting from Forkonomy(): Queerness, South China Sea and Peer-to-Peer Networks
時間 Date & Time|6/22 (Sat.) 16:00-19:00 (GMT+8)
地點 Location|科技大樓 2F 13號會議室 Conference Room 13, Technology Building 2F
講者 Lecturers|李紫彤&孫詠怡、陳佩甄、陳牧民、陳玉苹
Artist Talk: The Ocean Politics in ” Nodal Narratives of the Deep Sea”
時間 Date & Time|6/23 (Sun.) 15:00-16:00 (GMT+8)
地點 Location|線上會議空間 Online Meeting Room
講者 Lecturers|印度藝術家 Aarti Sunder、《匯聚》策展人紀柏豪
7/6-7/7 感官賦能週 The Weekend of Sensory Empowerment
為呼應【感官賦能】子題,邀請到特別來台的拉托維亞 RIXC 新媒體藝術中心藝術家雙人組合 Rasa Smite 與 Raitis Smits 於現場分享他們的藝術實踐及作品〈深度感知〉;以及邀請國科會「科技藝術跨域融合與創新研究計畫」夥伴,分享跨域專案實踐與策展的各種細節。
Echos to the theme of “Sensory Empowerment”, we invited the artist duo Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits who are coming to Taiwan to share their artistic practice and artwork “Deep Sensing”; and the core members from the “Arts and Technology NSTC” project are also invited to share various details of cross-disciplinary practice and curation.
Artist Talk: “Deep Sensing” and the Technical Narrative of Radiotelescopes
時間 Date & Time|7/6 (Sat.) 15:00-16:30 (GMT+8)
地點 Location|科技大樓 1F 簡報室 Briefing Room, Technology Building 1F
講者 Lecturers|Rasa Smite & Raitis Smits
【藝術家講座】 科技藝術跨域專案與「擴散耦」:從跨領域培力到策展實踐
Artist Talk: “Arts and Technology NSTC” & “Diffusion Couple”: From cross-disciplinary incubating to curatorial practices
時間 Date & Time|7/7 (Sun.) 15:00-16:30 (GMT+8)
地點 Location|科技大樓 1F 簡報室 Briefing Room, Technology Building 1F
講者 Lecturers|黃雅玲 Ya-Ling Huang、李宸安 Chen-An Lee、劉以立 Yi-Li Liu
7/20, 7/28科藝匯聚週 The Weekend of Art & Science Convergence
Echos to the theme of “Art & Science Convergence”, we collaborate with Coevolution Research Assembly to conduct the “Scientist-Artist Prototyping Room”, inviting the audience to directly experience the sparks generated when cross-field intersections are held on-site. In addition, a documentary filming the story of the founder of CAVS will also be premiered in Taiwan, and specially invited the director to hold a post-screening discussion with everyone!
【圓桌論壇】 科學家 X 藝術家提案室 Feat. 共演化研究隊
Panel Discussion: Scientists X Artists Prototyping Room Feat. Coevolution Research Assembly
時間 Date & Time|7/20 (Sat.) 14:00-17:00 (GMT+8)
地點 Location|科技大樓 2F 13號會議室 Conference Room 13, Technology Building 2F
科學家 Scientists|郭嘉真(國家高速網路與計算中心研究員)、張小慧(國家實驗動物中心副技術員)
藝術家 Artists|蘇文琪(表演藝術家)、姚睿蘭(視覺藝術家)
【放映會】《喬治・凱普斯:在藝術與科學裡思考》紀錄片首映+映後座談 Screening: “György Kepes. Interthinking Art + Science” documentary premiere & post-screening discussion
時間 Date & Time|7/28 (Sun.) 15:00-16:30 (GMT+8)
地點 Location| 科技大樓 2F 13號會議室 Conference Room 13, Technology Building 2F
講者 Lecturers|Márton Orosz、Tamás Szvet