《Selected Ambient Airs》資訊聲音化共創實驗-記錄與呈現

計畫簡介 Introduction


《Selected Ambient Airs》計畫緣起於紀柏豪於英國利物浦藝術與創意科技基金會(FACT Liverpool)駐棧時的合作項目,透過自製環境感測模組與資料聲音化練習,連結環境、科技與藝術,讓參與學員在「實作」與「遊戲」中認識開放資料、基礎電子電路與微控制器,進而以創意科技來串連網路、探索數據、啟動音樂,促進不同領域間的對話與理解。


“Selected Ambient Airs” is a project that connects environment, technology and arts by developing an environmental monitoring network and sonification practices. It enables participants to learn about open data, basic electronic circuits and microcontrollers in the methods of “making” and “playing” by applying creative technologies to connect to the Internet, explore data, activate music, and bridge the gap between creative communication and social interaction amongst people.

In an age of co-creation and connection, making and playing appear to be appropriate ways to blur the line between creators and the audience that encourages more people to become creators. Both of them are essential ingredients to establish audience participation while growing the seeds of co-creation. By building on a series of resources created across disciplinary boundaries, we are aiming to connect natural systems, namely those of weather and air quality, with compositional approaches in generative media. A fundamental aspect of this approach is that we are dealing with phenomena which are mostly unseen and which are both scientific and emotional in content.

執行步驟 STEPS


STEP 1 – 物聯網環境感測 IoT Environmental Sensor

創建了一個開源的環境感測模組項目,讓任何人都能夠自行下載套件、購買所需元件照步驟來完成。此模組可對周圍環境的溫濕度、氣壓和其他數據(如PM2.5)進行採集,並定期將資料上傳至雲端。 這些感測模組被放置於臺北市內不同地點,成為環境資料網絡中的節點與觸媒。

For this showcase, we have developed an open-source project to create an environment monitoring module that samples the surrounding air and other data at regular intervals. These modules have been placed around Taipei city to index various environmental sources for us to use as the trigger for signal processing and learning approaches.

STEP 2 – 創造自己的開放資料 Create Your Own OpenData


The environment sensor module gathers data from its environment and publishes over MQTT in Node-RED. We can create our dataset from those environmental data transmitted from sensor modules and give access to others with a simple GUI interface. In other word, everyone can download the environmental monitoring data with the Internet, as well as contribute a new node according to the provided specifications.

STEP3 – 資料聲音化實驗 Sonification Experiments


We start with the method of sonification that draws on existing resources to connect various systems as the basis to facilitate cooperative conversation and seek a mutual alteration of perspectives through the reflection and interpretation of multifaceted rhythms. Conceptually, mapping numeric data to the parameters of sound is a manifestation of randomness since this music is incidental and unintentional. But this is important at the conceptual level. The idea of “listen to our environment” may change the way we perceive music.

創意科技 Creative Technology
音樂表達 Musical Expression
多元近用 Diversity& Accessibility

In this program, we applied various technological products to collect environmental data through sensors as a source to sequence rhythms and melodies, to guide algorithms and to alter timbres. By proposing new ideas for existing technologies, from signal processing, IoT device to sonification enables us to cross the thresholds of different disciplines.


Using sound to reorient our perception of the world around us is a way to correspond to Ocular-centrism. When we think of issues like pollution and climate change, imagery readily springs to mind about chimney stacks, glaciers and busy roads, which readily colonizes and fatigues our perceptual register for comprehending these issues. This project aims to state the question in another way to relieve our understanding of through visual bias and perhaps through ambient music bring nature and our environments closer to us.

本計畫中所使用的環境感測模組,被設計為低成本且開源的方案,操作與傳輸均建立於免費平台與通訊協定上,以便學校和感興趣民眾在未來項目中使用。 讓每個人都能通過數位工具來使用既有數據進行轉譯及表達,除了凸顯多元性與差異外,也降低了群眾與議題間的隔閡。這讓人們更容易參與並享受過程,進而在其他項目上進行協作,並更積極對議題主動採取行動。

The environment monitoring module is designed to be open-source, affordable to build, and comes with a free operating platform so that it could be accessible for schools and interested citizens in future projects. To highlighting the diversity and differences by giving access to existing data can hopefully make it easier for people to engage with issues,  have fun with the process, collaborate with others and feel positive about taking initiatives.

「空氣的聲音」工作坊日期 / Date: 2019/07/06 13:00 – 18:00 地點 / Address:臺北數位藝術中心


  1. 利用樹莓派來自製低成本IoT環境感測模組。
  2. 將感測器所蒐集到的數據上傳至網路成為開放資料。
  3. 利用環境資料來進行資料聲音化實驗。
    1. 下載Node.JS來執行Node-RED https://nodejs.org
    2. 可遠端登入樹莓派的VNC https://www.realvnc.com/en/raspberrypi/
    3. 聲音編程軟體SuperCollider https://supercollider.github.io

工作坊分為兩時段。由紀柏豪及Adam Sadiq分享各自於創意教育與科技的實踐經驗。第一階段偏向硬體設置,第二階段主要部分為帶領大家利用開放資料來實作「資料聲音化」。工作坊第二階段奠基於《環境空氣選擇機(Selected Ambient Airs)》計畫之上,由融聲創意團隊與英國創意工程師Adam Sadiq合作,於臺北市區設置了超過十組自製的環境感測模組,成為小規模的開放資料。主要包含3步驟:

1. 利用樹莓派來自製低成本IoT環境感測模組。

2. 將感測器所蒐集到的數據上傳至網路成為開放資料。

3. 利用開放環境資料下載至個人電腦來進行資料聲音化實驗。


  • 群眾共創呈現日期 / Date: 2019/07/13 11:00 – 19:00 地點 / Address:臺北數位藝術中心


  • 衍伸創作Demo呈現日期 / Date: 2019/07/27 13:00 – 18:00 地點 / Address:空總C-Lab聯合餐廳2F聲響實驗室


紀柏豪為藝術家、聲音與音樂創作者,現為融聲創意工作室負責人。畢業於台大經濟系、倫敦大學金匠學院音樂碩士。主要研究領域為「互動與生成式音樂(Interactive&Generative Music)」、「資訊聲音化(Sonification)」以及「空間聲響(Spatial Audio)」,透過科技輔助來啟發創意。除創作外,亦廣泛參與教育推廣、跨界合作與表演項目。曾參與許多國內外展會、表演與駐村項目,2019 年為國家兩廳院駐館藝術家。

Adam Sadiq 為藝術家、學習技術指導(Artist and learning technologist)。畢業於英國倫敦大學人類學系、英國利物浦大學建築環境設計研究所,關注於新媒體科技的新興研究、技術與文化發展,進而從地理學角度探索、分析提出對於未來之可能方案。在英國東部設計教育推廣活動與技術指導。作品” The Anarchitecture of Liverpool”曾入圍 2012 年 FACT 利物浦電影之夜。




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